Tag: old habits

I ain’t as good as I’m gonna get, but I’m better than I used to be

I am about to write a post to update everyone on what’s been going on the past 2 months that I’ve been home. But first, I am posting this song by Tim McGraw, it has some good lyrics about bettering yourself. I hope all the mothers had a good Mothers Day yesterday. “Better Than I Used To Be” by Tim McGraw I know how to hold a grudge I can send a bridge up in smoke And I can’t count the people I’ve let down, the hearts I’ve broke You ain’t gotta dig too deep If you wanna find some

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Resolutions for the new year

As the new year comes, so do new beginnings. For many people goals are made, and promises sworn to be kept to a spouse or to one’s self. “This year it will be different. I will lose that weight”, or “I’ll cut down on the booze” or “I’ll never cheat on my wife again.” All these dreams and desires to renew and improve ourselves rush through our dreams and our hearts each year. This is the type of thing that amazes me about humans, we have the capacity to want something with our entire heart and soul, until it hurts

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