Federal Penitentiary Inmate Locator

Use the search tool below to find people incarcerated in the Federal Bureau of Prisons Penitentiaries.
To find an inmate that is in a federal penitentiary, visit www.bop.gov/Locate.

You will need their first and last name at least, but other information such as date of birth and race is helpful to narrow down the results. The difference between the Federal Inmate Search tool and the TDC Inmate Locator is that the results will show you not only the current inmates in Federal Penitentiaries but also the former ones. So, if someone did time in a Federal facility at any time in their life, it will show up in this search. That is not the case in the TDC tool, once someone is released from TDC they do not show in the locator tool.

There are 22 Federal Penitentiaries in Texas. Here they are:
Bastrop FCI
Beaumont FCC
Big Spring CI
Big Spring FCI
Bryan FPC
Carswell FMC
Dallas RRM
Eden CI
Fort Worth FCI
Giles W. Dalby CI
Grand Prairie
Houston FDC
Houston RRM
La Tuna FCI
Reeves I & II CI
Reeves III CI
San Antonio RRM
Seagoville FCI
South Central RO
Texarkana FCI
Three Rivers FCI
Willacy County CI

29 thoughts on “Federal Penitentiary Inmate Locator

  1. I’m looking for Shawn Eugene Oliger. He’s been an imante in many prisons. Arizona California and Ohio. He was recently incarsarated for stollen valler an froud from the va. I think he’s in fediral prison.

  2. Looking for charles leanord pete pittman 10/17/75 from midland tx also for a james colsten hes sbout 60

  3. Im trying to find out information about my stepuncle. My stepmom needs to know the exact crime/charge and what his sentence is. How can i find this info?

    1. If he is in prison in Texas, in the TDC system, she can put in his last name and first name and then narrow it down by birthdate if there are a couple. Then she can look at his record of what he is incarcerated for. If this is something that happened in the past, it’s really a matter of using Google to track it down. If you know the county or city where something happened, its easier. A lot of counties keep court records and information will come up in a search. It takes some digging, but a lot of times you can find it. Good luck to you.

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