Texas Prison Inmate Search
Do you need to find someone in Texas prison? If a family member or loved one has been sent to prison, you might be wondering how to find them. Probably you want to write to them and stay in touch while they do their time.
I used to be able to display a form on this page that let folks search for inmates within TDC but the folks at TDCJ have changed the way things work and I cannot make it work now. I hope to have a solution soon. Meanwhile please continue to send your questions to me and I will keep trying to help y’all. Sorry for the hassle.
You can also check these other pages I have with information about Texas prison, Federal prison, and, soon to come, county jails in Texas.
I called tdc (a number they had emailed me when i sent an email asking about someone) and they said he still in review and that the projected release date didnt “exist”, his projected releas date was 4/3 now its 4/5, do yal have any idea why they said that and why it would chang
That’s odd…I don’t know why they would say that. Id just keep my eye on April. I didn’t find out a date my son was getting out (because his projected release date was a Sunday and they don’t release on weekends) until about two weeks before. Hang in there, I know they are frustrating at times. I think everyone that works in TDCJ and county jails should have to have the experience of being on this side of it then maybe just maybe theyd get it together and have a little more compassion.
That’s strange…I don’t know why they would say that, they should be able to see the same dates as you. Sorry I’m not much help, I would think they should know something soon, maybe next week. Hang in there!
Well how nice…it said error and I reposted and now there are two lol…sorry about that!
Just a random check in on you guys! I know some are in hog heaven right now and others are waiting for that day. Wish I could tell you something to make this easy…all I know is you will get thru it and it shall pass! I go pick up my oldest son tonight at midnight and am so praying that we are done with jail stuff. Got a bit of trouble going on now with my daughter, but am so praying that probation will be extended and not revoked…dear Lord I’m over this ride lol. Magnum hope youre doing great…thinking about you all and praying all is well!
Rose I am sorry to hear your daughter is not seeing her brothers experiences and trying her best not to follow their footsteps. Hope it turns out OK for her. You’ve had enough already. Peace ~ Magnum
I have my occasional pity party, I am def tired, especially today lol. Just gotta keep walking and trusting that God knows what Hes doin…that’s all I know. Thanks Magnum!
Hi Rose,
I’ll be praying for the situation with your daughter and hope all comes out well. I’m hanging in there hoping to at least get a letter from my husband soon. He’s only been in the TDCJ system going on 2 weeks now I’ve sent several Jpay letters. I hope he’s receiving them and I know due to processing in he can’t make any calls for 30 to 45 days. I’ve put money on his books so I’m hoping he’s bought writing supplies and is able to send letters.
Thank you! Praying you hear from him soon! Im sure he is getting your letters, jpay is the best way to go for getting mail to them. Middleton is big and mail going out can take a while. I know those letters are helping him thru this! Still praying!
Thank you! Yes Rose I got my first letter from him on Friday evening. I was so excited and you’re right he said keep the Jpay letters and pictures coming they’re giving him life.
Yay!! Those letters home give us life too huh? So glad you got that piece of joy!!
Yes they do Rose! How is everything going with your daughter? My husband saw the parole board on the 24th of March, he seemed excited that he may possibly be home in June. I know you said usually they don’t get approved the first time so I’m still looking forward to the projected release in October. Do you know how parole is like the special conditions because they took his moms name and address to parole home to. Can he not come to our home? Or is it just standard that they choose my mother in laws address?
My son gave our address to parole to instead of his wifes, as she was living with her parents at that time. Then his wife moved to Austin and he asked about changing the address to parole out to and they told him that its easier to change the address once out. So that’s what he did and it wasn’t a problem. Praying still…and crossing fingers…hang in there!!
No new news on my daughter…still just waiting and praying. She did tell her probation officer what had happened…praying they don’t revoke, but otherwise nothing new.
Hi Rose I hope all is well. I have a question… Do you know what FI-2 means in a parole decision? I just found out my husband got approved for parole after the 1st time and it says this online:
Last Parole Decision
Approved on 04/29/2016
FI-2 (07/2016)- Release on parole on a specified future date (07/2016).
Any idea on if 7/2016 is when he will be released?
My husband wrote and told me he was called to file for re entry docs. When does this typically occur in the release process, because he’s still in intake and I haven’t even received any phone calls from him.
My son saw re-entry at both parole review times…the first time was just an interview…the second time when I felt encouraged that he was coming home they ordered birth certificates, got his Texas ID/Driver License.
He told me they ordered his docs. I haven’t heard from him in over a week though and I have that woman’s intuition that something is going on. Not bad things.
fingers crossed and prayers going up!
Yay at least on the bright side you got another letter!! My husband said he tried calling me but I found out two days ago that his phone privileges are like the visits. hes still ineligible. I’m sure your hubs is in the same boat as mine just waiting for eligibility. Did you register your phone with texasprisonphone or securus on jpay? I’m in the same boat as you playing the waiting game. I’ve only received the 3 letters in one envelope but nothing else. Its almost 30 days I guess well have to wait to see if they’ll let us see them by the 45 days.
Today marks 30 days for me and I am emotionally spent from all the unknown. The anxiety is running high. The waiting is the hardest. I’ve never been good at waiting. I’ll pray for y’all. That everyone stays out of trouble and we’ll receive peace from the Lird in our waiting. Thank y’all so much for being so supportive and caring.
Theres this book…Carol Kent is the author I believe the title is When I lay down my Isaac…something like that. Someone suggested I read it last year and I did. It helped me so much thru my sons prison sentence and even other aspects of my life where anxiety would try to get the best of me. If you can get this and read it I think it will help you with anxiety and just overall. Hang in there…praying for you!
Rose I have a quick question. If they get moved facilities do I have to wait another 30-45 days for intake processing to get visits? My husband wrote saying it won’t be another 3 weeks until he can finally get visits but he said they’re moving him So I’m wondering if I have to wait again omg
Hey Cel, there might be a brief interruption but it won’t be a complete do-over on the intake. Peace ~ Magnum
Magnum is right, I think its like 48-72 hours to get settled and back to using phones.
Hey quick question my husband wrote to me said he won’t be able to call until he sees “u c c” I’m wondering what that means? He said he will be transferred too but doesn’t know where or when but the letter was dated 3-10 he said no calls for two weeks but he has to meet with the ” u c c” first then it’ll be about 3 more weeks for visits and tomorrow it’ll mark 30 days in there. Just wanted to see any clue what that means or who/what that is?? Thanks!!
Hmmm I honestly do not remember my son ever saying u c c about anything, I’m sorry I’m no help on that. But you should be getting your phone call soon! I got my phone call and then about a week later (I think) I got to visit.
Thank u Rose so update..he finally got eligible for visits so I didn’t wait I left this morning to go visit him and he was able to call too but I had already left. Apparently UCC is when that assign them their job assignment and level classifications. However he mentioned even though he thinks he might not make his first parole he said that made him do a form to start getting his ss card and birth certificate.. Somebody told him it’s a first step to parole? Do u know how that works or is that just basic for anybody on parole review? I’m on cloud mine finally I get answers and finally got to see him!! I’m overwhelmed with joy!!
So remember I said I want to the hubs yesterday? Well today it’s says he’s illegible for visits? So I think something happened or could it be because I already went to go visit him yesterday it says no? Just wondering and hoping nothing happened because he called me as well yesterday and the phone cut off..thx!!
It will change back to eligible for visits when the new week starts. That freaked me out the first time I saw it too lol. The forms are all normal, it takes time to get those back. Hes gonna hear lots of different theories on parole in there…it can be a very emotional roller coaster if you take what you hear to heart and kinda count on those. I honestly knowing what I know would just keep my eye on that PRD and kinda count down days to that. That way if it happens earlier you are surprised and pleased, but if it don’t then you still have that date in mind and maybe wont be near as disappointed. I’m glad you got to see him and things are moving forward!
PRD is a good date to look at. It turns out to be a pretty good guideline for most folks. We used to say, when it came to parole and all that, hope for the best and expect the worse. That way you don’t set yourself up for too much disappointment.
Does anyone know how the good earning time works and how long it takes after their G levels are assigned before they are transferred to another facility? My husband saw “UCC” and he said most of the time they are transferred that same day but he didn’t so does that mean he will stay there at Garza West? I know its a transfer facility but from my understanding they’re only allowed to max stay there for 2 years and my husband signed for 4 years. Thanks in advance!!
Six months with no cases they get their good time and line class change. My sons prd changed from Dec 13 to Nov 25 when he got his good time. There’s no telling how long they stay at the transfer units.
Awesome, thank you Rose!! I hope my hubs stays out of trouble. With your help and Magnums I’ve come to my senses not to set my hopes on the first parole but on the PRD instead, thank you again!! By the way do you know how it works with an offender receiving a watch and a wedding ring? My husband told me they’re allowed to wear their wedding ring (if legally married) and a watch but idk how to request to get it to him or if hes the one who has to request? Anyway just wanted to see if you knew how that worked. Thank you so much for your help, its such a blessing to ask you with your knowledge 🙂
I have no idea about the wedding ring, but my son traded some soups or something for a watch that another inmate had and I know they can buy one off commissary. LOL its def an education we wish we wouldn’t of gotten huh? But just pay it forward…what you learn you will be able to help someone else to hold on and hang in there too!
If hes in holliday unit he said he would get transfered to other side of prison, when he does can he still write to me right away or will it be the same as when he got processd the firs time it gonna take a whil
any transfers may take just a day or two to be able to call, I think it might be 48 hours, but never as long as the beginning processing.
I need someone’s knowledge of the prison system- my son’s 2nd parole was approved and his release date is April 22,2016– he was in one of the Garza units and at the beginning of March was sent to Holliday- he just wrote me and said he is waiting for another transfer to an I.d. unit and is now a G4– he was told after arriving at Holliday he would stay here till being released, but now is awaiting a transfer. Does this mean he will not be released in April? I am very confused and heart broken- someone please HELP
I honestly don’t know how things work if you get G4 after parole approval. I would be watching his release date on the TDCJ site and calling either the unit or the parole board checking is release date. I’m sorry, I know this is hard. Hang in there!
Thank you Rose, I appreciate it
My husband has been in since November last year. He signed for 2 years at the end of January this year and just caught chain a few days ago. It’s saying on the website he’s at J Middleton and that his projected release is 10-20-2016. My question is this an accurate date for him to be released? His parole eligibility date was last month before he even left county.
Its probably pretty accurate. My son signed for two years and did not make his first parole but did make his second with a release date at his projected release date. That’s the date I recommend keeping your eye on. The only thing that would change to his max date is if he gets in trouble in there or possibly has an extensive record out here.
Thank you Rose! Another question…it says he was eligible for parole 2-12-16 but at that time he was in county waiting to be transferred. Does that mean his first parole review or board has already passed?
I wish I could remember exactly how the site looks…I think that just means that is the first time they are eligible to be reviewed and determine a date for release if approved. If his charge is not an aggravated one and this is his first time down youre probably looking at his PRD as being pretty close to his release date as long as he does good inside.
Ok Rose thanks and yes this is his first time down. I don’t think his charges are aggravated…how can I tell if they are or not? Also I just checked the tdcj site the yellow parole tab appeared today and it says he is currently in the Parole Review Process. Also says last parole decision none and that he hasn’t been reviewed for parole. The next review date is unavailable at this time. So is it a good time now for his mother and I to write our support letters and send them off? Also where should we send the letters?
Hey Shaneka, I agree with Rose, you would already know if his charges were aggravated because they would have used that term in his sentencing. It basically boils down to the crime having a violent nature for the most part. Also, if a charge is gotten together with another charge that is violent then the charge can be classified as aggravated. If that makes sense. You would know, though, I’m pretty sure. Peace ~ Magnum
You can write letters now…He is under the Amarillo Board right now. Any letters will follow him in his file if he ends up under a different board. My son stayed under the same board at his next unit. If his charges were aggravated you would probably know already, aggravated robbery, assault, etc. The address for Amarillo is
5809 S. Western, Suite 200
Amarillo, TX 79110
806-358-6455 Fax
Thank you so much Rose, you’re awesome! I think this my last question for now lol. His mother sent her letter off to the main TDCJ parole office in Austin, will they forward her letter to the Amarillo office?
I would think it would still end up in his file…I’m a crazy person tho and would probably write another and send to Amarillo lol. My brain imagines too many what ifs so I like to cover all bases lol.
So true lol same here. I was thinking that as well. Thank you Rose! Now it’s just a waiting game I sent my package off to Amarillo today and it should arrive on Monday
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How yall doin? Im sure Mrs. Knowles is on cloud nine…Shamekia how much longer? Magnum things goin okay, you all healed up? All is well here. 14 more days when oldest son is out of county, they gave him 3 for 1 jail time so two months is all hes doing on that six month sentence, so far as long as he stays good lol. Otherwise, all is well…son that got released from TDCJ is doing good, being a good husband and dad and son…still praying for all of you and for those locked up. A girl Ive known since she was like 15, her son just hit Middleton…hes like 18 and got his probation revoked and got a 7 year sentence…just breaks my heart for her and him. Yall keep hangin in there! Big hugs and lots of prayers for all!
Hi everyone, I hope everything is going well with each of you. Rose, so glad to hear that everything is working out for your sons. Well I’m super excited because I go to pick up my boyfriend from Huntsville tomorrow. Not real sure on how the release process works though but I’ll be there early just in case. If anyone has any information that will make my wait a little easier I would greatly appreciate it.
Hey Shamekia, Congratulations on your good news. By this time tomorrow, this experience will be behind you. Bring him some clothes to put on, they will give him whatever fits, or sort of fits, in their grab bag and it won’t be pretty. Bring a book for yourself to read while you wait on him. Or a friend to go with you but that ride home sure will be worth the wait. Peace ~ Magnum
Ditto what Magnum said. My son came out in Khakies and a button down blue shirt, not bad actually looked like church clothes lol just a little baggy. They all head to the bathroom at the visitors center and change immediately lol so def take him some clothes. My son told me exactly what clothes he wanted, as well as a can of dip lol. Im so excited for you!! I still go back and watch the video every now and then of my sons release (my sister videoed it) and Im telling you it was one of the happiest days of our lives!! If youre like I was you wont sleep much tonight…but get as much rest as you can! Im so very happy for you both!!
Hey Shamekia that good he coming home yay…….
Hey Rose, All is good here, except for a broke down truck and crappy credit making it hard to get a new one. Well not even new, just new to me. I’m working on it. Glad to hear your son got 3 for 1 in county, y’all must be feeling like it’s going fast. And glad to hear your other son is keeping on the right track. Life is good and spring seems right around the corner so I guess we can’t complain. Peace ~ Magnum
Ugh hate car issues and credit issues, I know how fun that isn’t! Hopefully that works out for you asap. I don’t know about where you are, but here we have a few car lots that either in house finance with proof of residence and income…maybe you could try that? All is going decent here…I think once all the legal bs gets behind us Ill be on cloud nine lol. Glad you are good except for the truck…cant ever seem to be all is well all the way around all the time huh? lol. So loving the warmer weather!
Hey Magnum, one more thing I forgot…earlier today my son got a letter from a friend..I recognized the name and asked “that’s the guy that laced you up?” He looked at me and shook his head…my husband said what? Laced you up?? My son said yea mom shouldn’t even know this lingo then explained what it was. I just laughed, but remembered your Ma, you did the time too. Anyways, just made me laugh so thought Id share with you so you can shake your head too lol.
Hi Mrs Rose my name is jessica i was wondering what your sons sentence was (how many years) my husband got sentenced to 5 yrs and i feel like thats an eternity. Magnum already told me that he wont necessarily have to do the five years, and i see your son did almost a yr. Thank you in advanced and please keep us in your prayers…
Hi Jess. My son was sentenced to 2 years TDCJ and 6 months State Jail Division. Magnum is right, if your husband doesn’t get in any trouble in there he wont do the whole 5, hell come home and finish up on parole. I wouldn’t necessarily count on him making his first parole…first time they come up is after six months, second time the next six months. If they don’t make that second parole then they do not come up for review again for a year. What does his projected release date say? Id kinda focus on that date until you see what parole says. Like my son says 5 minutes in that place is too long…its a rough road for them and us. Just pray, keep the faith and stay positive. Its a roller coaster on the emotions for sure. Hang in there!!
Hey Rose im doing good and that good your son will be home soon.
Glad you are good! Hope life is great for you!
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